Thursday, January 30, 2020

Americas New Economy Essay Example for Free

Americas New Economy Essay As the 1900s gave way to the new millennium, it became increasingly clear that a new era in American (and world) history had begun. The old era had been dominated by the Cold War struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union. The new era was defined by the rise of a new global economythe ways in which the worlds peoples lived, worked, and governed themselves. Global communication, trade, and capital flow all grew rapidly (Griffith, Baker 531). The United States rose to being the most powerful military supremacy nation in the world due to Reagan and Bushs destruction of the Cold War, bridging the 80s into the new 90s. George Bushs CIA and ambassadorial experience provided Americas key to our foreign policy negotiations, aiding in our nations leadership over the world. This defeat and new era caused our domestic and social society within America into a state of confusion and caused Americans to question what role they would play in this new society. Not only did the Cold War define Americas stance in the world, dictating foreign policy choices from southeast Asia to Latin America; it defined the contours of domestic politics as well, (Chafe 549). How can we believe now after September 11, that we still or always have had leadership or supremacy in this world? How could the heart of our country be damaged so much affecting our nation as a whole? This recent tragedy damaged the core of our patriotism changing foreign and domestic policy after the 90s. During the 90s, a time of new cultural expression and power, the US was willing to use any economic, political, or military force necessary to uphold the new global system. After the Reagan legacy, President Bill Clinton created the New Democrats, which, sought to replace the partys older industrial and agricultural bases with a new, if unwieldy, coalition of women, minorities, social liberals, and technological progressives, (Griffith/Baker 533). In looking at Chapter 14 in Griffith/Bakers Major Problems in American History Since 1945 and Chapter 16 and the Epilogue in Chafes The Unfinished Journey, we will consider the new goals and values of both the USs domestic and foreign policies, and find that although positive changes have taken place since 1945, the US still is yet to live in a society free of homelessness, poverty, and crime reflected by the tenacious power of race, class, and gender blocking the path toward  independent freedom. Throughout American history, the issue of freedom has always prevailed and equality of everyone wasnt brought up until the early to mid 1900s. The peoples dependence and underlying trust within the government to withhold and protect has put our society on a roller coaster of trust, distrust, and betrayal. the Nixon presidency and his foreign policy breakthroughs with China and Russia had barely taken hold before the devastating constitutional crisis of Watergate occurred, threatening to undermine the very structure of the American political system and peoples confidence in it. Followed quickly by the nations first defeat in war (Chafe 497). Busch had decided not to respond to much of the conflicts happening with Gorbachev, because if he had, it could have created greater instability, more violence, and a stronger likelihood of counter democratic action, such as the Soviet Union. Busch in causing the two-superpower leaders to arrive at a new arms control treaty that promised the reduction of nuclear weapons arsenals of the world. Buschs only major error was quickly recovered by quickly becoming Yaltsins allies, beginning a new coalition where both world powers would enforce world peace. After Desert Storm, the US entered a prolonged recession causing confusion amongst Americans because Busch didnt care about domestic policies. Because of Buschs carelessness of domestic policies, it reflected upon the public not caring about domestic policies nor within the government. The new young light in America was created by the new elections. Clinton bringing a new young light to society during the election of 1992 believed that through the idealism during the sixties were those which should be reflected upon now during the 90s. Clintons ideas were: investing to create new jobs, supporting new technology, rebuilding the nations infrastructure, and creating a new partnership between management and labor to increase American productivity and competitiveness in world markets. The major political campaigns were advancing with technological advances with campaigns  portrayed through the amazing new power of talk-show journalism. Ross Perots ideals, opposite of Clintons, were expressed through talk-show journalism shaping political dialogue and activity. Many talk show hosts provided a direct outlet for politicians to reach the Americans at home through television. The political wars went on and with Clinton winning the democratic election. This allowed Americans to dig themselves out of their deepest problems by re-imagining themselves and fulfilling their dreams. Clinton was faced with issues similar to Franklin Roosevelt, in the midst of the Great Depression, they were in many ways far more complicated and intractable, calling upon the same breadth and depth of leadership skills that FDR had deployed in the 1930s, (Chafe 512). As one magazine wrote, what excites people about Clinton, is precisely the degree to which he speaks to their hunger for meaning and purpose, their half conscious and often inchoate desire to transcend the selfishness and meaningless of materialistic and narcissistic society,' (Chafe 511). Clintons gay policy in the war, dont ask, dont tell, were looked at as actions profoundly alienating liberals and gays. His next policy, national Healthcare, failed to the Republicans criticizing and ultimately causing his policy to disintegrate. This was Clintons down and thought it was over until the American society regained confidence with him when he passed a bill which caused restrictions on free access to handguns and assault weapons. He also created the Americorps, a young group of people volunteering to work among Americas disadvantaged populations. Finally touching up on domestic policies, the American society gained faith in him. The 1994 elections were different and Clinton was on his way to coming back. He wanted to represent a Democratic smaller government. Richard Norris guiding Clinton, made him invulnerable to the issues of high taxes, crime, welfare, federal budget, and affirmative action which Republicans could use against him. Clinton defined positions that would seem reasonable to the middle-class voters and also portray the Republicans as radicals seeking to overturn 60 years of progress and advance his own agenda on issues that cut in his direction such as education, the environment, and womens rights. Clinton proved to the public that the Republicans mainly Dole was a threat  to the middle class stability, and eventually won the election exclaiming, the era of big government is over. The voters decision was for a divided government,  not for one party over another. Only by ensuring that one party could balance and counter the other, they seemed to be saying, could the nation be protected from moving too far either toward liberalism and big government on the one hand, or toward conservatism and the end of entitlements on the other, (Chafe 527). Americans wanted politicians to proceed down a middle path, not straying to either side too far. Although race had been dealt with by the government, it still defined power, control, status, economic opportunity, and freedom. This issue has improved dramatically, but race has always been the central theme to American history. It has been so much misconstrued, that the issue of racial discrimination had disappeared as a matter of public concern, convinced that there was no longer a reason to think of blacks and whites as having different life chances(Chafe 528). Los Angeles embodied most of the multiracial demographic complexity which is where many blacks were suppressed although given still given supposed equal rights opportunities. One example being the AIDS virus. Treatment was available to the suppressed society, but werent able to afford the medication. The Rodney King incident was appalling and the only way to describe the verdict was what Chafe wrote, It was as though the jury had taken a hallucinogenic drug that altered totally what others saw as reality and the drug was race, (Chafe 529). The police officers caught on tape for the beating got off because of whites ruling the jury. O.J. being convicted of murder and having a black jury was pleaded not guilty. Benjamin Barber brings up a point of political futures neither being democratic. the forces of Jihad and the forces of McWorld operate with equal strength in opposite directions, the one driven by parochial hatreds, the other by universalizing markets, the one re-creating ancient subnational and ethnic  borders from within, the other making national borders porous from without. They have one thing in common: neither offers much hope to citizens looking for practical ways to govern themselves democratically, (Griffith/Baker 542). September 11 brought forth something America had never faced before, an attack on our home ground. Since this attack the society has been more conservative, realizing that America is not this leadership nation that watches over the world, but is just as suseptable to attack as anyone else is. This attack has brought all families closer and brought out American patriotism from within. The attack has put American flags on Football players helmets as well as all sports jerseys. What are we supposed to believe from the media, articles saying that information being portrayed to us is false and defying. Although we have gone through a roller coaster of events both ups and downs, America has always recovered and adapted to the changes in front of us. The Progressive Policy Institute believes that the latter is true and that the challenge now is to learn how to manage and govern in an era of sustained and constant innovation and adaptation, (Griffith/Baker 536). The 90s was a major turning point in America being the end of the old millenium and the start of a new one, allowing us to look at what is needed to be done both in domestic and foreign policy for this world and our society to go on. the 1990s embodied a summing-up of what had occurred in the preceding decades, as if the country were searching to find some way through the maelstrom of conflicting currents to a final sense of direction that might represent a new consensus on how to proceed, (Chafe 498).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Tragedy of Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Child

Child abuse has been defined as, any intentional act that results in physical or emotional harm to a child. This could cover any behavior from assault, to neglect, to molestation. (Encarta 1) In 1995, a study was done by the National Center on Child Abuse & Neglect. They concluded that in the United States alone, approximately 3 million children are victims of some sort of maltreatment each year. This means that an unimaginable amount of our county’s adolescents are being seriously mistreated, and the numbers are rising steadily. While the specific definition of child abuse may differ from state to state, the effects unfortunately do not. Physical maltreatment, neglect and sexual abuse create immediate problems for children, as well as long term damage. Some common effects on sufferers of abuse include, a lowered sense of self worth, an inability to relate to others, short attention span and often they develop learning disorders. More detrimental cases can develop severe de pression or anxiety, schizophrenia, violent behavior and an increased risk of suicide. (Encarta 3) In some cases, abused children learn how to cope with their experiences and grow to healthy adults, but most are not that lucky. Most victims of abuse are forced to deal with the results for their entire lives. Physical abuse is one of the most common forms of child maltreatment. It can begin as soon as conception and includes any deliberate act of violence that is meant to injure or kill a child. (Encarta 1) Over 500,000 children are physically harmed each year. In 1991, 25% of American adults admitted to being beat by a parent or a caretaker in their youth and unfortunately the numbers have increased since then. (Shepard 305) ... ...ividual parent. In conclusion, Child abuse, without a doubt, causes permanent damage to the life of the victim. Whether it’s physical, sexual or neglect, the after effects will haunt them, and very possibly their future family as well. Child psychiatrist, B.F. Steele stated, â€Å"†¦we do believe that how we bring up out children has a most profound effect upon how our society is behaving and how we deal with each other as human beings.† (Kakar 6) This is an excellent point. If parents do not care for their children and show them the ways of life, how could they expect them to know any better, and more importantly, how could they expect them to pass on the knowledge to their own children? Parents, more than anyone, hold the key to shaping the ideals and minds of their children†¦ and until society gets that key fixed, the problems of child abuse will always remains.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Leadership Approach Essay

Identify and discuss the six trait characteristics in the trait approach to leadership. If one does not have these traits, can he or she still be a leader? Explain your position Six traits characteristics of leadership are as identified by Mann(1959) study of leadership and small groups are as followed, intelligence, masculinity, adjustment, dominance, extraversion, and conservatism. There is many traits to leaders from numerous studies, but the focal point of those studies seem to lay with integrity, intelligence, self-confidence, sociability and are defined below. (Northouse, 2010) Integrity- Honesty, trustworthiness, and quality all traits of integrity give an employee a sense of trust and take responsibility for their actions. Self-confidence- Self-esteem and self-assurance and belief in ones competencies and skills have ability to make an impact. Sociability- Is a leader’s inclination to seek out pleasant social relationships, friendly, outgoing, courteous, tactful and diplomatic. Determination- Determination and desire to get the job done initiative, persistence, dominance, and drive are all key characteristics. Overall when it comes to being a leader you don’t have to have a title to be a leader, as we all have probably been involved with people in leadership positions that are everything but a leader. I think that leaders are molded by their experience, environment and exposure to good and bad leaders and from leadership traits from above. I feel that if you don’t have any of the traits of being a leader you will struggle to be one, but I believe everyone has the traits of being a leader, you just have to dig inside and find that leader inside you. References Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership Theory And Practice / Fifth Edition. Los Angles: Sage Publication.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Job Analysis The Saa Or Southwest Analytics And Aerospace

The SAA or Southwest Analytics and Aerospace has been faced with a few major problems within their company. A job analysis is important to conduct with the problems facing SAA. A job analysis is a detailed examination of performance elements within a company, which enables us to narrow down problems and helps it grow as a whole and move forward. After reviewing all of the problems presented I have narrowed it down to key ones. The first that they are faced with would be that SAA relies on primitive methods when deciding whom to hire. An unstructured, group-based interview is usually how hiring is determined. Next, they are having problems with intergenerational conflict. Older employees talk about the â€Å"good old days† when events would occur before some of the younger, newer engineers were even born. This could be a cause of why they are having a hard time attracting, hiring and retaining talented young employees. Finally, SAA is not treating their employees with the respe ct they deserve. The employees are expected to follow the rules blindly and not step out of the path that has been created for them. These are the 3 key things that I can set specific actions to overcome the obstacles and get the company on track for success. The given challenges or problems pose a tremendous set back for the company if not looked thoroughly at. First, we will take a look at the hiring system. The problem that faces SAA is that there is a set of managers that only hire/promote in favor ofShow MoreRelatedThe Southwest Analytics And Aerospace Essay1258 Words   |  6 PagesThe Southwest Analytics and Aerospace --SAA-- has been made aware of the major problems within their company. The job analysis depicted here will give a clear insight into the organization and its complications. A job analysis is a detailed examination of performance elements within a company, which enables them to narrow down problems and solve them. After reviewing the management, the issues at hand presented have been narrowed down to three key ones. The first problem that they are faced withRead MoreErp Sap Research Paper46896 Words   |  188 PagesIntroduction to SOL Server 2005  © 2007 Systems Analysis and Design: Hoffer /GeorgelValacich, Modern Systems Analysis qnd Design 5 /e  © 2008 Kendall/Kendall, Systems Analysis and Design 7Ie  © 2008 Valacich/George/Hoffer, Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design 31e  © 2006 Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design: Geor ge/Batr alValacich/Hoffer, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design, 2e  © 2007 Stumpf/Teague, Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design with UML  © 2005 continued on backRead MoreCase Study148348 Words   |  594 Pagessites on the web so you can explore more about the organisations featured in the case studies †¢ Classic cases – over 30 case studies from previous editions of the book †¢ The Strategy Experience simulation gives you hands-on experience of strategic analysis and putting strategy into action Resources for instructors †¢ Instructor’s manual, including extensive teaching notes for cases and suggested teaching plans †¢ PowerPoint slides, containing key information and figures from the book †¢ Secure testbank